LVEDC Events
Construction in the Lebanon Valley Business Park
A new site in the Lebanon Valley Business Park recently broke ground! Justin Smith and Ivan from Conewago Contractors, Inc. Conewago Enterprise will join the other 18 businesses located in the park! Site preparation is moving fast, and we are looking forward to their Grand Opening.

The LVEDC presents a check depicting a $400,000 Local Share Account (LSA) grant facilitated by the LVEDC. The funds will be used by WEPA for continued building renovations at the facility. The day included a job fair, recognition of their current students, and a ribbon cutting.
WEPA Healthcare Classrooms Open

Manufacturing Roundtable
The LVEDC wrapped up the month of June by holding a Manufacturer's Roundtable event hosted at the WEPA Empowerment Center. Some of the local organizations that joined us at this event were Regupol America, Sherwin Williams, Blue Scope, Vision Core, Innovation Design, Mantec, Lebanon CTC, Careerlink, SPCA Works, ELCO School District, Everlast Roofing, WEPA, and the Manufacturer's Association.
Representative John Schlegel was also in attendance sharing and listening to the different perspectives of what is needed right now in the manufacturing industry.

The morning consisted of four key speakers; Susan Eberly, Cynthia Picht from SCPA Works, Brian Paterniti with the Manufacturing Assoc., and Cindi Moses with Mantec.
LVEDC 'Women in the Workforce' Tea
April of 2024 brought a Women's Tea Party to the LVEDC calendar. The office was filled with joy and encouragement as female business leaders from around the county gathered to discuss women in the workforce. Fellow Lebanon Valley Business Park Member, East Indies Coffee, supplied tea for everyone. A speaker from Dress For Success also attended to speak on the organization and collect our table full of donations.

LVEDC held a Ribbon Cutting for the House of Hair Salon located at 513 E. Main St., Annville. The weather was beautiful but chilly so the ceremony was held inside. There was a nice turn out of elected officials, community leaders, family members and friends to help welcome Heather, her staff and the House of Hair Salon to the Annville Business Community.
Susan Eberly, President of the LVEDC opened the ceremony by sharing the LVEDC's varied role in the Community in supporting economic growth; the importance of small business and how LVEDC helps to celebrate them as they become part of the Community.
Heather Herman, owner of the House of Hair Salon, shared her journey to becoming a salon owner; her training, obstacles, and the support of the family and friends. Heather introduced her staff and was pleased that due to support by the community she had tremendous growth and was able to recently hire five employees.
Deputy District Director, Tom Gerhard from Congressman Dan Meuser's Office gave his congratulations and thanked Heather for taking this remarkable step of ownership and staff growth.

Anthony Perrotto, Annville Township Commissioner and Jennifer Kuzo, President of Visit Lebanon Valley also welcomed Heather to the local business community and shared remarks about the importance of supporting small businesses and some experiences they have had in their roles as Community Leaders.
Ribbon Cutting
"The Factory", "LE CupCakes" and "Fat Puppy Coffee Roasters" Ribbon Cutting
February 2021

On Friday, February 5th, 2021, the LVEDC was delighted to host a ribbon cutting to welcome 'THE FACTORY". "LE'S CUPCAKES", and "FAT PUPPY COFFEE ROASTERS" to our local Business Community.
The weather was beautiful, so the ceremony was held outside. We had a great turn out of our local dignitaries, elected officials, community leaders, family members and friends in support of these new businesses.
Susan Eberly, President of the LVEDC presented Ashly Landis, owner of THE FACTORY with a Spirit Award for her vision, hard work, and love of community.
Lydia Eberly, owner of LE's Cupcakes, was also recognized for her new business and presented with numerous certificates of appreciation from our elected officials and community leaders.
Due to working conflicts, Sean Firestine, owner of FAT PUPPY COFFEE ROASTERS, was unable to attend. However, many of those who were able to attend, commented about how unique and eye catching in appearance his coffee shop set-up is, lots of coffee equipment, mugs, bags of coffee beans and t-shirts.
Also, LE's Cupcakes was an instant hit, as many attendees lined up to purchase cupcakes to eat and buy to take home.
A few short years ago the LVEDC helped to secure SBF funding for a portion of the purchase cost of the facility that THE FACTORY is housed in. And now, we are delighted that we were able to host a ribbon cutting for these new businesses in THE FACTORY and help introduce and welcome them to the Community.
Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corp was honored at the 2016 Manufacturers Associations' Gala as Partner of the Year.
Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corp was honored at the 2016 Manufacturers Associations' Gala as Partner of the Year.
Founded in 1906, the Manufacturers' Association, a growing regional trade association serving manufacturing, production and logistics in Pennsylvania and Maryland, recently honored the recipients of its 2016 Manufacturing Awards at their Annual Event at the Pullo Center in York. The occasion provided an opportunity for the Association to publicly honor and recognize those member companies and partners making a difference in the regional economy, the lives of their employees and the local manufacturing sector.
The Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corporation was recognized as the Manufacturers’ Association’s Partner of the Year. Susan Eberly, President and CEO accepted the award. The LVEDC works with area businesses and the community to strengthen existing businesses and create an environment in which new companies can flourish.
The LVEDC is an advocate of manufacturing and has been working hard to create relationships throughout the County and the region to promote the industry.
The LVEDC established a calling program, with the goal being to visit manufacturers to listen to their successes and challenges. They met with over 60 businesses in the county and as a direct result created a county Workforce Alliance to build stronger connections so that businesses, educators and service providers can dialogue and find solutions for workforce issues in the County.
After listening to the local manufacturers the LVEDC developed a manufacturing Consortia; so far this consortia has brought together the county schools, training organizations and manufacturers to develop curriculum and training to support the demands of manufacturers.
The Manufacturers’ Association serves on the LVEDC Workforce Alliance committee and has brought many creative ideas and initiatives to the table. The public schools in Lebanon County have been educated on the iExplore Career website developed by the Manufacturers’ Association, in efforts to promote manufacturing careers to high school students.
The partnerships help to jump start the ‘Careers in Two Years Program’ which highlights lucrative careers that can be achieved within two years or less - of college or technical training in the County.
The individual manufacturing and partnership awards for the evening were personally presented by Karl Rove, noted political strategist and best-selling author, who served as the Association’s keynote speaker for the 2016 gathering.
Susan Eberly, president of Lebanon County Economic Development Corporation accepts the Partner of the Year Award from Karl Rove, speaker for the Association’s 110th Annual Event April 20. Also shown (from left) are John Lebo, outgoing Association board president; Tom Palisin, executive director; and Tom Baughman, incoming Association board president.