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 The Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corporation's primary focus is to serve as Lebanon County's leading resource for facilitating economic development.  Thus, working with the private and public sectors to enhance the overall quality of life. 
When community leaders work together as a team, tremendous economic benefits are the result.  Healthy partnerships are one of the key ingredients for economic development success. 
In economic development we also measure and celebrate "success" in a variety of ways; job creation, retention and expansion of business, increased or steady investment into the community and a healthy business and community climate. 
As the Corporation moves forward, we look forward to serving you and your business needs.  Together we can make a difference.



The LVEDC’s mission is “to create and to stimulate a local economy which provides gainful employment and business investment opportunities not only for the current generation but for generations to come.”


A community that is prosperous and provides an abundance of economic opportunity requires initiative, planning and vision by local officials.  The LVEDC is a not-for-profit economic development organization that works with area businesses and the community at large to strengthen existing business and create an environment in which new and existing companies can flourish. 

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