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Diversifying the Economic Base


For many years, the LVEDC has assisted companies with their expansion, retention and general business needs.  These have included manufacturing companies involved in printing, woodworking, food processing, metal fabricating, plastics and much more. Additionally, we have assisted distribution facilities, service businesses and other establishments. The LVEDC is currently exploring a “business incubator project” that will serve as a stimulus to bring more companies to the Lebanon Valley.

Environmental Site Improvements


The LVEDC works with private developers and public officials on the remediation and revitalization of brownfield industrial sites, to make these sites usable again as business locations, and to remove dangers posed to neighbor residents and businesses. At the former Lebanon Steel Foundry in the City of Lebanon, for example, the LVEDC has worked with Jack Keener to remediate environmental problems, rehabilitate existing buildings and encourage new business expansions here.

Financial Assistance For Existing Businesses


The LVEDC has a long tradition of assisting companies with their expansion, retention and general business needs. We have helped companies to access low-interest financing, job training funds and more. In this economy, such programs and services are critical to the stability of our local employers. Also, the LVEDC administers the PREP Program, coordinating local, regional and state agencies to provide a wide range of development services to companies in need. For more information about our financing programs, click here.

Workforce Development Initiatives

The LVEDC works with a variety of workforce agencies to coordinate services and programs for both the employer and the worker. Recently, the Lebanon Valley Workforce Alliance was formed to assist companies that may be considering closing or expanding in the area. The LVEDC also participates with the South Central PA Workforce Investment Board, encouraging job growth and initiating new workforce programs. We also access training grants for expanding companies as part of our incentive packages.

Infrastructure Development


The LVEDC has helped business and communities acquire financial assistance to upgrade and extend infrastructure, including water lines, electric, access roads, sewage treatment facilities and more. This has allowed companies such as Sid Tool, Ingram Micro, Bayer and Sherwin-Williams to expand, and has also improved infrastructure connections for residences, other businesses, and public facilities. By creating developments and improvements, it has expanded the real property tax base, bringing more revenues into local communities.

Visioning and Land Use Decisions


Residents and businesses in the Lebanon Valley generally want to retain the area’s hometown feel and preserve space for agriculture, recreation and residential land uses. They also want quality business developments that complement those already in existence. The LVEDC coordinates with the County Planning Department, local governments and others to ensure that business expansions are good for the County and do not negatively affect other land uses. We emphasize compatibility and strive to make sure that our plans retain the inherent qualities of our community.

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