Industry Sectors
Bioscience Manufacturing
Pennsylvania’s Lebanon Valley, with its strategic position both along America’s bio-science corridor and within the state’s growing bio-science belt, coupled with an abundance of competitively priced business sites, offers a profitable location for bio-science and supportive manufacturing.

Lebanon Valley’s central location provides easy access to the entire Northeast U.S. corridor including the world’s financial center in New York City and the nation’s regulatory center in Washington, D.C.
The valley is also well placed within Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia-Lebanon Valley-Harrisburg bio-science belt, with access to research, capitol, and markets.
A broad spectrum of bio-science manufacturing grants, loans and other assistance programs can be utilized to support companies locating in Lebanon Valley.
Bio-Science related companies such as Bayer Health Care, Schott Pharmaceutical Packaging, Pharmaloz, and CL Sturkey are enjoying the advantages of operating in the Lebanon Valley. Contact the Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corporation to learn more about the advantages of locating in the profitable Lebanon Valley.
Everyone's tastes are different when it comes to your favorite meal. But when it comes to selecting the perfect site for food processing and production, there are certain ingredients that make the Lebanon Valley rise to the top of the short list. Look over the entrees below and let the Breadbasket of Pennsylvania whet your appetite for a prime business location.
Leads the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions in agricultural production
Premiere market location
Superior interstate highway, rail, seaport and airport access
Manufacturing and industrial workforce
Abundant quality water and sewer services
High concentration of food processors and suppliers
Internationally-recognized brands
Hiring and training resource services
University-based food service research
Food Processing
Lebanon County has all of the ingredients for a successful food plant recipe. Consider the following advantages:
In several hours, our three interstate highways allow you to be in downtown New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.
Norfolk Southern operates a double track/stack system on its busiest freight line in the Northeast. Air and port facilities are also nearby.
There are over 500 acres of industrially zoned lands, including business parks that have full infrastructure. A regional water and sewer system serves much of the county.
Our region leads much of the state in dairy, poultry, cash crops and other areas, and have support industries that include packaging and other business services.
Everything is waiting. All you have to do is take the next step and place your order. The Lebanon Valley will provide you with just the right recipe of geography, labor, transportation, research and other important resources to make your business thrive. Contact LVEDC's professionals for fast service. Bon appetite!

Leading Food Processors in the Valley and Surrounding Areas:
The Hershey Company
M & M Mars
Giorgio Foods, Inc.
Tyson Foods, Inc.
Bell and Evans
Godshall (Weaver's)
ASK Foods, Inc.
Turkey Hill Dairy, Inc.
Kellogg Company
Murrys, Inc.
Farmers Pride, Inc.
Ingretec, Ltd.
Swiss Premium Dairy
Pepperidge Farms, Inc.
Mark Hershey Farms, Inc.
Palmyra Bologna Company, Inc.