Small Business First (SBF)
Contact ebeamesderfer@lvedc.org for additional information
Lending Summary
Low interest loans
Available to small businesses (100 employees or fewer)
Administered through the Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corporation

Small business (100 employees or fewer) involved in the following enterprises:
Construction enterprises
Child day-care centers
Technology oriented and computer-related services
Hotels, motels, or restaurants (established non-start ups)
Environmental compliance/pollution prevention
Municipal or commercial recyclers
Military and defense-related
7-Year Fixed Interest Rate Option: 10-year U.S. Treasury rate set at time of application.
After 7 years the rate will reset to the 10-year Treasury rate with a 2% maximum increase or decrease compared to the original interest rate.
A floor interest rate of 4.50% exists.
This option exists for real estate projects only.
Full Term Fixed Interest Rate Option: 5.50%. This fixed rate option will exist for the life of the loan.
Subordinate lien positions on real estate up to 90% loan to value are permitted
$25,000 loan per job retained or created
Up to 15-year term for land and building
Up to 10-year term for machinery and equipment
Up to 3-year term for working capital
Uses & Purposes of Funding
Land and building acquisition and construction
Machinery and equipment purchases, maintenance, upgrades and repairs
Working capital
Environmental compliance/pollution prevention
Loans up to $400,000 or 50% of total eligible project costs, whichever is less
Maximum loan amount for working capital is $100,000 or 50% of total eligible project costs, whichever is less