PA Industrial Development Authority (PIDA)
PIDA Lending Summary
Low interest loan financing for land and building acquisition, construction and renovation projects that result in the creation or retention of jobs
Available to any size business
Administered through Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corporation
Businesses involved in the following enterprises:
Warehouse and distribution centers
Agricultural processing
Research and development
Firms establishing a national or regional headquarters
Computer/clerical operation centers
Uses & Purposes of Funding
Land and building acquisition
Building construction and renovation
Industrial park development
Multi-tenant spec building construction, acquisition and renovation
Loans up to $2 million (NOTE: within Enterprise Zones, Act 47 Industrial Communities, Brownfield sites, Keystone Opportunity Zones
Multi-Tenant Projects - up to $2.25 million in financing is possible
40% to 60% of total eligible project costs, based on firm size and county unemployment rate
Up to 75% of total eligible project costs for Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ) companies
7-Year Fixed Interest Rate Option: 10-year U.S. Treasury rate set at time of application. After 7 years the rate will reset to the 10-year Treasury
rate with a 2% maximum increase or decrease compared to the original interest rate. Floor interest rate of 4.50% for real estate projects only
Full Term Fixed Interest Rate Option: 5.50% fixed for the life of the loan.
Up to 15-year term on land and buildings
No less than a second mortgage on financed assets
Disbursement to applicant based upon reimbursable expenses
$75,000 loan per job created or retained (no loan per job requirement on industrial park or multi-tenant projects).
Application fee, due with signed term sheet)
Legal fees
Title insurance (real estate only)
Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA) Guidelines